Friday, December 4, 2009


"The place that you don't want to leave is not the same as that you would want to stay"
- Rake Thinker
Three and half years at a place makes you take so many things for granted. This is the end of my time in college and it was a pretty awesome journey. College, like a friend saus, is your whole life compressed to four years (flavoured with a lot of alcohol, tobacco and mary jane). You are naive in the beginning, get carried away for sometime, start thinking about what you want to do towards the end and before you do something you are out in the real world. Cliched as it might sound, the journey surely was important than the destination in this case. This place has changed me completely; a lot for the better and some for the worse. But I guess everything has its price and I think I got a very good deal.

I have about a week left on campus. Nostalgia (aka psentiness) is slowly seeping into me and I will certainly miss all the wonderful people around me, the discussions in ANC, visits to Nutan, CEL and the freedom this place offered me. As Bill Watterson rightly puts it "So, what's it like in the real world? Well, the food is better, but beyond that, I don't recommend it.", I will never get as much freedom, both physical and intellectual, as I had here. I should be terribly sad to leave this place. Ironically I am not and the quote at the beginning sums it up perfectly. I realized that this is the place I don't want to leave but I don't want to stay either. No place is fun when there is nothing to learn anymore, when all the people who inspired you aren't there and most importantly when you cannot inspire people around you. This nostalgia is nothing but the sweet aftertaste of a really bitter semester. I think even a prisoner misses the penitentiary before leaving.

Whatever it might be, my college is over and it was an amazing experience. Thanks to all the people who made my stay here very special. Peace.

1 comment:

  1. Well, isn't that so. The heart remembers gratitude and not bitterness, thats is the reason we live. Good memories have a longer life than bad ones even in the worst of times.


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