The astronomy club of BITS-Pilani arranged a star gazing session on the event of Leonid meteor shower. If you are a BITSian, you are probably familiar with the rusty telescope on the top of FD-2.But this time there was no telescope and it was an open session in Central Lawns. It was announced that the shower would begin from 11 PM and would reach its peak (maximum intensity?) by 2 AM. Punctual as they are, the students walked towards the lawns by 1:30 AM while the more enthusiastic ones reached an hour earlier. A majority of people including me, expected to see meteorites falling everywhere and couples (heard that girls got night permissions) making out in the dark corners of the lawns, while looking ocassionally at the action in the sky. But all we could see were a bunch of astro club people talking about the resemblance of some constellation to a dick, some dogs and random lokis with their cell phone torches pointing towards the sky. Added to this, one of my friends forgot to wear his underwear (sadly he is a guy) and constantly complained about his balls freezing.
Around 1:50 AM the Coordinator (or whatever) of astroclub talked about the perfect techinque to spot a meteor.
- You need to keep looking at the sky
- You need to have a lot of luck
Simple enough. So we all waited and after half an hour there were no girls let alone romantic couples but around 100 guys hooting and chanting "Gira re gira" randomly. Not to forget the dogs. Digressing from the topic slightly, I would like to introduce four most popular dogs on campus
- Amitabh : The dog is named after Big B and constantly makes a sound similar to his characteristic grunt
- Ashok: As an abandoned pup this dog is rumoured to be bred by the supre of Ashok Bhawan to steal food, footwear and almost anything from final year students. (Named after Ashok Bhawan)
- Comodo: This black, small and ugly looking dog is very aggresive. Legend has it that a guy got stoned and mistook it for a comodo dragon
- Horny: This dog has a tendency to go near girls and flaunt its aroused male genitilia, an act which most students are contemplating doing.
Ten minutes later, people started imagining seeing meteorites. Some of them in the hope of luring girls to believe that there were meteors in the sky, started shouting seeing an aeroplane in the sky. At this point my neck was aching, my friend was scared that he might lose his manhood to Pilani winters and my other friend was hungry. So, that brought an end to the astro session and we walked back wondering whether the myth that "if you can't see a meteorite your wife will be a lesbian" is actually true.
Don't worry mate. We are all made of stars. There's a star inside you. You just need to stare harder and longer at the mirror and not the bushes around C-lawns. The stars of MB are probably too starry eyed to look at the stars. Five stars for this post and five star the chocolate for me. Amitabh's voice stars in Big Brothel, did you know that? Star is also an overloaded operand.