Monday, September 14, 2009

Absolut Minima

Global Minimum. That is what I would call my life right now. I knew it was coming since a long time but I was too arrogant to accept it. Thought I was good enough to handle it but I cannot convince myself any more. There was a time when I actually did things rather than talk about them. When I was actually good at what I did than show off that I was. When I inspired people and cared about them than acting indifferent. Had the balls to take up a challenge and fail trying. I seem to have lost that ability somehow. I don't feel myself anymore. All that I am right now is a pretentious bastard living in an illusion. I am nothing but a disappointment to all the people who believed in me (including myself). I don't know if I will ever be myself again. But if I don't try, I know I never will.


  1. well the curve can only rise you know. i mean it's the global minimum.

  2. and there's someone special to care of you ! ;)

  3. @Nakul
    haha, still messing around with ppl eh?

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  6. @Pandey - Just doing my bit to aid the inevitable happen. :)

  7. @Keshari Why did you remove the comments?
    @Nakul Yeah Rite!

  8. Hey! Don't be so disheartened...U r still the GOD for all of us.


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