This is the fourth blog I am starting and I am bored of my usual hello world posts.So let me just talk about what I want to write in this blog (if I actually write!). The answer is simple, the title says it all.Just random things that are in my mind.But I warn the readers that this blog may contain some posts which are inappropriate for non-geeks.
I read this article by Kevin Rose on how to promote a web app.After working on chirplines and trying to market a web app, here are my views on creating a successful web application.
Find your market
Internet has a diverse set of people and you cannot satisfy everyone with your application.So before you begin your first line of code have a clear idea as to whom are you targeting.For example Vimeo targets an artistic crowd compared to youtube which has a general crowd.Each feature that goes into your app should make it more usable for your target users.
Keep It Simple Stupid! (aka KISS)
Da Vinci said "Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication".Keep your application as simple as possible.Don't get carried away by the options available at every stage.You need not incorporate mail updates just because they can be done.Stick to the basics and in case you need to add something, take the easiest path even if the result is marginally less.This applies to the back end as well.Don't use a complex algorithm for something which a binary sort can solve.
Get Real
The first thing I was asked to do when we were designing chirplines was to design the CSS for the home page.I was really excited and wanted to get it pixel perfect.I spent 2 days on it without going anywhere.The most important thing while developing a web app is to get real and start making the first draft without giving too much importance to details.More importantly get the functionality right.CSS and color combinations can be changed in minutes but what your app does can't be done so quickly.So get it working first and worry about the details later.37 Signals has an excellent book about this which you can find here.
Usability Usability Usability
Yes you probably heard about it a zillion times but usability is crucial.Web has too many applications coming up too fast to make your users come back for a second time.So you just have a single chance to make an impression.Avoid unnecessary email conformations and login screens.tumblr for example doesn't even wait for an email conformation before you can start posting.Reduce the number of steps that it takes for the user to do what you want him to.
Selling your app
Even though you have a kick ass app, you can't get users without reaching out to a lot of people and the web is too big for your sales division.The only way you can get a number of people is through other people who already used it.Things like Twitter, Facebook, Digg offer limitless possibilities to market your app.
Social Media Bitches (SMBs)
Thats right!These are the people that you want to get hold of while selling your product.How to spot them?Simple.Anyone with more than 10,000 twitter followers come under this category.These people can get your site a number of users and it's how good your app is that decides how many of them stick to it.As Kevin Rose says in the article offer them something valuable to get them use your app.
Show the way
Show people what all can they do with your app.Make a cool podcast on how to use the app though it might be obvious for you (because YOU created it).Get the users excited about it the same way as you do.As my friend rishabh says "Show two solid applications of your app and people will come up with a thousand".
One can write a book about the "right" things about making web apps but at the end of the day there is no secret recipe to make a successful app.Whatever I talked about are things I noticed from my experience of developing chirplines.I would love to hear different views and comments on the ideas expressed above.